What is LockApp.exe on Windows 11/10?

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Windows has tons of system programs or EXE which are non known to many. However, the Windows Task Director does show a listing of programs using resources on your data processor. One of the programs that caught my attention was LockApp.exe. Sometimes, I had seen it overwhelming a lot of resources, and sometimes it doesn't. When I looked around a lot of forums, it seems to have sometimes consumed like 35% resources, and even GPU usage. Therein post, we will discuss what LockApp.exe is, and what you should do in case it looks suspicious.

LockApp.exe in Windows 11/10

What is LockApp.exe on Windows 11/10?

Information technology's an official application from Microsoft, and is part of the default lock screen app happening Windows. Information technology's unhurt. It is normally located under Windows > SystemApps > Microsoft.LockApp_XXXXXX> LockApp.exe. Information technology is possible that this could be doing a lot more than that including notifying you about an update when you unlock your PC.

Is LockApp.exe a virus?

The legit LockApp.exe program is located in the C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy leaflet. If it is located in any other location, it could well represent malware. To confirm, you may letter-perfect-penetrate on the file > Properties > Details tab. You see that IT is a Windows Bone file. In any case, information technology is unexcelled you fly the coop your antivirus or Windows Withstander rake.

Just in front we give way ahead, if you are using any File Monitoring tool, and it triggered you about its change, it does non mean its bad. The file is duly signed away Microsoft, and they mightiness have conveyed an update to the file.

How to make sure LockApp.exe is not unhealthful?

That said, its good time to use Windows Withstander which has native integration in Windows 11/10. Launch Windows Defender Security measure from the programs menu. Attend Home > Virus and threat protection > Run an advanced CAT scan.

Windows Defender Custom Scan Offline Scan

The first step is to utilisation a custom CAT scan and choose files and locations you want to determine. In this case, select LockApp.exe. If this doesn't give whatsoever warning, to double-check, use Windows Defender Offline. This will hit dependable the virus cannot duplicate or anything other as the privileges are very low for any program there.

Get you encountered any issues with LockApp.exe? Maybe your Lock Screen stopped working, or information technology was stuck on the display? Let us know in the comments.

How to disable LockApp.exe

If you wish to stop LockApp.exe from running, you can plainly rename the Microsoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy folder. Or you could modify the Registry to stop it from linear as follows:

Open Windows Registry and navigate to the following path:


Now in the right face pane, you will see DWORD AllowLockScreen. Double-click happening it and set its time value to 0.

Why is LockApp exe using GPU?

If your Lockscreen is set to keep changing wallpaper, operating theater the Microcomputer is awake for a long prison term because you haven't designed the monitor or PC kip clock, so it can result in heavy GPU usage sometimes.

Why does Lock CRT screen Keep overwhelming resources when the PC is idle?

You will need to check the GPU Software, and choose to let Windows change settings or else of the driver doing it. It will helper you lower down the usage as everything leave be decided aside Windows rather of the driver.

What is LockApp.exe on Windows 11/10?


Ashish is a ex-serviceman Windows, and Xbox user who excels in writing tips, tricks, and features connected it to improve your day to twenty-four hours live with your devices.

What is LockApp.exe on Windows 11/10?

Source: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/what-is-lockapp-exe

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